Meals on Wheels Western Michigan is driven by people just like you. Your voice is powerful, and together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of our local seniors. Advocating for our seniors is essential to ensuring they receive the health and nutritional support they need to live independently and with dignity; along with the friendly safety check we provide with delivery. By speaking out and taking action, you can help raise awareness about local seniors’ challenges and drive meaningful change.

Contact your legislature
MOWWM needs your help sharing the importance of nutritional programs in your community. Contact your Senators and Representative today.

Spread awareness
Share your passion for local seniors’ well-being with your friends and family. Invite your network to join in on the fight to save nutrition services for seniors. Learn more about how you can get involved at the button below.

Your charitable gift is needed now more than ever. Help offset the cost of funding cuts by donating to MOWWM.
Your words matter
With the annual appropriations process underway, it is essential to urge Congress to protect and increase funding for Meals on Wheels programs nationwide. Simply maintaining current funding levels isn’t an acceptable outcome and in fact would represent a funding cut at a time when more investments are desperately needed. Seniors are depending on us to speak out and demand action – contact your Senators and Representative today.